Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rhythm of seasons !

A beautiful beauty that quenches thirst of heart
Which fills sprit, with joy head to toe
A gift of gift, that no one can present
A treasure, dug only under, the yard of the creator
A pile of time
Packed in seasons
True and natural rhythm
Spiraling and whirling life’s dance
Beats of eternal drum
 Oh! Creator thy plans
Never collapse. 

Kiramt (rainy season) showers on sea and land
Wet  every soul, unlock door of the seed
All in the heart of earth starts to breed
Mountains adorn, with blanket of green
Valleys with run offs, and falls
Rivers fills to their brim, gush to sea leaves
Dance, with beats  of the drum, and charming rhythm

Oh! Creator Kiramt did duty
 Pass on a relay of beauty
And the skies turn clear, the sun shines free
Yellows  the grasses, shrubs and tree.
Plants comes to flower, a yellow army
Adey Abeba conquers hills and valley

Wereha Tsegie (flowering season) comes with promises
Assure that all sown will come to seed
All thrown becomes a yield.
Oh! Creator thy task gets old never
Always fresh always glitter.

How tiny are years before you
A priceless belonging
That you confer on master and servant
How cheap are days before you
A cherished good

But for you and to all a free grant. 

Worku Belachew Sept. 2015

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